Tuesday, February 9, 2016

DRC Love Story

This kind of story is a different kind of love story as I could not find a traditional love story. This is a story is about a woman named Esperence who was sent to get water from the house she shared with her uncle and his wife. As she was on her way, seven soldiers raped her and she couldn't move after the assault. She was badly injured. Esperence eventually found her way to a woman named Mama Jeanne who offers medical care to victims of assault and rape. The doctors had discovered that she was pregnant after they performed surgery to stop the heavy blood loss that was threatening Esperence's life. Esperence now has a baby of two months and calls her Bakara (Blessing).
The true love in this story is Mama Jeanne. I have never heard of this woman but if she does in fact exist, we need more people like this is the world. As Western countries, we have exceeding amounts of wealth while people in poorer countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and South and Central America suffer to the greatest extent. We should not be invading these countries and toppling their governments as some people suggest. If we do anything, we should be doing humanitarian care to the people in these countries who suffer. Take Iraq for an example. We invaded Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in order to "liberate the Iraq people and bring democracy". Now Iraq is a huge mess and terrorists groups are massively powerful and torturing the Iraqi people. What we did only exacerbated the original problem. We should have only sent them humanitarian care if we really wanted to help them. Although this is just a small story in the DRC, it does relate to world affairs at the moment and I wanted to point out those differences between truly helping and doing what is "best" for your home country at the expense of foreign civilians.

DRC Story Relating to Les Miserables | Children Cobalt Mines


Children in the DRC are being used by the more developed countries in a rather harsh way. Children in the DRC, often as young as 7 years old, are sent into mines to mine cobalt, a very valuable mineral used in batteries for devices such as smart phones. About 40,000 children worked in these mines around the country in 2014.
This story relates to the theme of playing the system vs. integrity in Les Miserables. The American companies know very well who they are buying the cobalt from. These cobalt mines in the DRC cause adults and children to work for 12 or more hours a day, often earning 1-2 dollars per day. This is a huge problem and I am also a part of it. Until the American companies mandate that their workers must be adults and are payed at least enough to survive, these mining companies in the DRC will not change their ways. The American companies will also have no interest in doing this because this could cut into their profits significantly. This proves that these companies in the U.S. are playing the system instead of acting with integrity.